Can u mix promethazine syrup, wine and xanax together

Can u mix promethazine syrup, wine and xanax together
How do you make sippin syrup? - Q&AAmoxicillin and Z-pak (Zithromax, Zithromycin, Azithromycin) -- Antibiotics Used to Treat Infections -- Questions and Drug Interactions. CAUTION: Be sure to take
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Question / Answer: Rating: Date: FAQ link: I was recently given a 1 year old chic. He has a terrible looking fungus on his legs and by J.B. 10/2/03
Sippin on syrup, lean, purple drank – whatever you call it, drinking codeine and promethazine containing cough syrup will get you high, but it's also dangerous and
Can u mix promethazine syrup, wine and xanax together
Visual Xtreme LLC - Wisconsin based web.
Codeine and Promethazine - Addiction,.
Y'all most be smokin crack as well as drinkin syrup. All syrup is, is cough syrup, with DXM as the active ingredient. Syrup is DXM, from the cough SYRUP.
HI, I normally take 120 mgs of methadone daily ( been clean off opiates or over 6 months now), take 2mgs of Klonopins daily, and 50 to 100mgs of phenergan
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